HIDFOOD s.r.l.
Registered office: Via Naz. Frentana, 93 66010
Lama dei Peligni - (CH). Abruzzo.Italy.
Operational office: Zona Industriale Ovest snc66043 -
Casoli (CH). Abruzzo. Italy.
P.I. 02629150695
Click and order by phone
€0.95 (Pre-Order)
30 g
Lamb meat arrosticini.
Arrosticini are one of the strong points of typical Abruzzo cuisine, which are enjoying an incredible growth in popularity outside the regional borders, and beyond.
We have carefully selected arrosticini made with top quality meat, in order to offer our customers a truly unforgettable product.
The cooking, to be carried out strictly on the grill, gives the meat that characteristic and juicy flavour. We recommend using our Black Truffle Salt for an even more divine experience.
To be kept in the fridge at a temperature between 0 and +4° C if intended to be consumed immediately, otherwise place in freezer UPON delivery if intended to be consumed at a later time.
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