HIDFOOD s.r.l.
Sede Legale : Via Naz. Frentana, 93
66010 Lama dei Peligni - (CH). Abruzzo.Italy.
Sede di rappresentanza: Via dei Santi Quattro, 90 - 00184 Roma (RM)
Sede Operativa: Zona Industriale ovest snc,
66043 - Casoli (CH). Abruzzo. Italy.
P.I. 02629150695
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180 gr.
This delicious handcrafted paté will make you forget about industrial-made competitors! Its velvety and rich texture reminds of good old times and a mother's skilled hands, and almost makes you picture her being busy with cleaning the artichokes and working them with EVO oil.
Made with specially select artichokes. Ideal for appetizers, first courses and side dishes.
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