HIDFOOD s.r.l.
Sede Legale : Via Naz. Frentana, 93
66010 Lama dei Peligni - (CH). Abruzzo.Italy.
Sede di rappresentanza: Via dei Santi Quattro, 90 - 00184 Roma (RM)
Sede Operativa: Zona Industriale ovest snc,
66043 - Casoli (CH). Abruzzo. Italy.
P.I. 02629150695
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320 g
Plums get harvested in summer and processed into this tasty jam, rich in fibre and antioxidants. Contains a very high percentage of fruit and a reasonable amount of sugar.
Due to its elevated sweetness, should be combined with strong flavors to create the right contrasting tastes.
Guaranteed production period/availability: July - August.
Origin: Italy.
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